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Hello, All, This is a guide on how to rent a Scrypt mining rig to secure the Mincoin network while earning mincoins, through Mining Rig Rentals ( Create an account here: Add Two-Factor Authentication for additional security to your MiningRigRentals account so your coins and account information are more secure Start by Clicking Settings on the Top Right below your handle (mine, in this case, is lovetolearn) This is where you'll end up: Then, scroll down to where it says 2FACTOR AUTHENTICATION as shown in the screenshot below. Scan that with FreeOTP+, Authy, or Google Authenticator, or any trustworthy/credible/familiar 2FA App you'd like to use. Then, enter the Authentication code you get as a result, along with your Account PIN CODE, then click the green Enable button, and your MRR account will now be more secure. Congrats! Send Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, or Dash to the appropriate MRR cryptocurrency address This document is a work in progress. Any help with screenshots showing arrows pointing to what is needed for a step, or screenshots with highlights of important things to look for (like website URL sources, file size, publisher, and date published, hashes and signatures, etc) would be very much appreciated. Best Regards, ltl
Supported OS: Windows 7/10 Ubuntu EthOS nvOC SimpleMining OS Current version 0.0.33: Support SMS/Telegram/Push notifications when: – GPU temperature gets higher than required – GPU temperature gets lower than required – Miner is not responding for X amount of minutes – GPU Fan speed is lower than X – GPU Fan speed is higher than X – Miner hashrate too low – GPU hashrate too low Supports multiple miners with one local software installed. Log file support. CCMiner-Alexis 1.0 CCMiner Palgin skunk mod CCMiner SP Skunk mods CCMiner >= 2.0 EWBF Support XMR-Stak SGMiner dstm ZM EthMiner BMiner PhoenixMiner Excavator by NiceHash (1.4, 1.5) Claymore’s Dual Miner support Added SSL support for data update. ASIC AntMiner support Web service Profit monitoring Dailiy profit graph profit calculation based on current hashrate and power Hashrate graphs Temp graphs Power usage graphs EthControl v0.0.19a Supports CCMiner auto-restart when CPU does not validate. Supports EWBF auto-restart when cuda device thread exited. Bulk updates for remote configuration / install. Ethminer full monitoring with GPU hashrate, GPU temp and GPU fan speeds. Remote rig reboot support. Remote stop/start support for mining software. Web console for remote diagnostics Automatic miner software installation support and updates GPU monitoring. Afterburner profile loading Starts with windows automatically Crash reports CCMiner “invalidate cpu” error auto-restart Easily deploy custom ccminer forks, claymore updates, custom software to multiple rigs # Supports # CCminer Cast XMR EthMiner Claymore dual miner ZM dstm EWBF eMiner bMiner Phoenix Miner Excavator Gateless gate XMR-Stak Cast-XMR How to use: Download windows binary from here: Download EthMonitoring
- Mining hardware products For more information: About FAQ
Hey guys, Just started mining on my desktop. Anyone know how many mincoins I might make this way?
Hello just wanted to tell you how to mine with your wallet in a really easy way. Install the Mincoin wallet (OSX in my case), go to help menu and open debug window, open the console and type the comand setgenerate true, press intro. To check it, write the command getmininginfo and press enter, you will find dificulty, hashrate, current blocks etc. If in generate you can read true, it is done. To stop mining use setgenerate false. If you go to the debug window > information you can open the console to watch "what's happening" in real time. This method works in many wallets like fedoracoin, doge, quarks, if you have a powerfull cpu maybe you can have a try. cheers everybody P.S. I'm not an expert at all so maybe is no very profitable but is fun check it how it works
Been mining Mincoin only a few weeks now and all was going fine, but here's a weird one... How do you get an Accepted block and not have it end up in your wallet? Where did it go? Screen shot evidence attached. Blocks accepted before and after this one are all in my wallet. Thanks in advance for help.
Every pool is susceptible to various kinds of downtime in spite of every effort made by the operator... it's just the nature of the internet, a bit like catching a cold is part of being human. No one wants to waste mining time because their favourite pool is unreachable, but since it will probably happen at some point, I recommend configuring at least one backup mining pool (MNC of course). First sign-up to a different MNC pool than the one you already use and create a worker account. Adding a failover pool from within cgminer/sgminer: From the main cgminer/sgminer screen hit 'P' to access the Pool Management menu. If it says "Failover only disabled", hit 'F' to enable failover only. Press 'A' to add another pool. Enter the information that it asks for. Complete URL including port, ie: You can save the new config ('S' from the main menu, then 'W'rite config file) If you make a mistake, you cannot go back but you use the 'R'emove function and start over. Add additional lines to your cgminer/sgminer .conf file: If you prefer to edit the config file by hand, add the backup pool below your primary pool (order is important): "pools" : [ { "user" : "USERNAME.WORKER", "pass" : "PASSWORD" }, { "user" : "USERNAME.WORKER", "pass" : "PASSWORD" } ] Also make sure the failover setting is set true: "failover-only" : true,You can even add a third and fourth backup using the same instructions. If the primary pool fails, the miner will try the backup pools in order until it finds a working one. When the primary pool becomes available again, the miner will automatically switch back. Unfortunately for those using cudaminer for NVidia cards, it does not [yet] have fail-over support built-in, but it is on the author's TODO list.
10/15/2013: This thread is intended to be an introduction for anyone looking to learn more about the scrypt algorithm, which is the current "mining algorithm" in use for MinCoin. I will be adding to/coherently organizing this when I have more time, but for now it is good to start the discussion. The Scrypt Algorithm: A Primer ( (main site) ( (white paper) Scrypt was created by Colin Percival in May 2009 in an attempt to make a much more secure encryption mechanism than PBKDF2 and bcrypt. "Secure" is used here in the sense of being extremely expensive in both time and hardware to decrypt without the cryptographic key used to gain access to the information that has been encrypted. Q: What does this mean? It means that compared to other encryption mechanisms (say SHA256, Bitcoin's), it is many thousands of times more expensive to "attack" a person's encrypted data by trying to guess their password by trying millions of guesses. This is called brute forcing. Q: But why? The way I've read it so far, scrypt is "sequentially memory-hard" (it stores a lot of data in RAM during hashing). Specialized RAM is super expensive because engineers want to be paid a lot of money for trying to figure out how to make it store more data quickly. In fact, Percival estimates that it would take $19 billion USD in technology and electricity and one year of time to use all possible guesses on a scrypt-encrypted, 8 character password string. That's expensive compared to a password encrypted in bcrypt or PBKDF2 (millions and thousands respectively). Q: Why is scrypt so hard to attack? This question is above my head currently. You should read the white paper published freely by Percival, and you should also read D.J. Bernstein's work on salsa20, the scrambling function in scrypt. ( Q: What does this have to do with MinCoin? Roughly every minute, a block is successfully mined and reported to the MinCoin network. Transactions reported to the network are stored in blocks. To prevent people from spamming fake transactions to the network, transactions are verified with cryptographic keys, which are hard to fraudulently make unless you are the true owner. This is the cryptography part of cryptocurrencies that makes them so useful and valuable- encrypted bits of data are valuable because they are so secure and unreproducible that they simulate owning a physical object of value (USD, gold, cake, whatever). I will eventually make both a simpler and more technical discussion of the algorithm here. Please reply/pm/email me with any questions you have about this material!