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Posts posted by headzoo

  1. I think the guy who was making physical Bitcoins was told to stop by the secret service. Yeah, for some reason the secret service is actually in charge of currency. Anyway, once you create physical coins with value, and give them out, you cross into some legal grey area.

  2. Previous wallets were occasionally showing the LTC blockchain, but I thought the new wallet version fixed that issue.  It's not really much of a problem overall, as it will get back on the proper chain with a restart, or on its own after a while, from my experience.


    You might try to try restarting it occasionally to see if it gets synced up quicker (this is a common workaround for most wallets for the various currencies, not just MNC).  Also, do the addnode additions to your mincoin.conf file to see if that helps:




    I suppose you could try to delete your peers.dat file and restart, but I'm not sure that's really going to be of any benefit. If you choose that route, do this:  Shut down the MNC wallet; delete peers.dat; edit your mincoin.conf file as per the above link; start up the MNC wallet and see how it goes.


    Thanks for the tips. I think the wallet actually is in sync. The strange behavoir starts about 30 minutes after the wallet has been running. "Showing the LTC block chain" may explain the other error I've been having.

  3. Im interested in everything about server/web/mining so i made one, its not hard if u have enought experience u can start it in 1-2 day. but finding miners who have no trust in u its closely impossible. check my pool, running 2-3 days ago 1-1 miner come rarely than leave, we found blocks and paid well//im not cheater// and still nothing.

    Check it: http://newbiepool.szimre.net


    This is the hardest part about setting up a pool. People won't join when the pool has limited hashing power, and the pool has limited hashing power because people won't join. It's a pain!

  4. This is some of the log file while this is happening.


    send version message: version 60002, blocks=288606, us=, them=, peer=
    trying connection lastseen=2.4hrs
    Added time data, samples 5, offset -2 (+0 minutes)
    nTimeOffset = -2  (+0 minutes)
    receive version message: version 60002, blocks=288606, us=, them=, peer=
    received block be4bbb46402efc63331f
    SetBestChain: new best=be4bbb46402efc63331f  height=288607  work=1330488401807024  date=01/03/14 03:11:56
    ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
    socket no message in first 60 seconds, 0 1
    disconnecting node
    connection timeout
    Added 1 addresses from 554 tried, 13262 new
    Flushing wallet.dat
    Flushed wallet.dat 8ms
    trying connection lastseen=0.9hrs
    Added 398 addresses from 554 tried, 13205 new
    Added 461 addresses from 554 tried, 13181 new
    Added 235 addresses from 554 tried, 13172 new
    ERROR: FetchInputs() : 12dfaa0e0b mempool Tx prev not found 94643c5b5c
    stored orphan tx 12dfaa0e0b (mapsz 1)
    ERROR: FetchInputs() : 411e9954b0 mempool Tx prev not found 2c4881bfe8
    stored orphan tx 411e9954b0 (mapsz 2)
    connection timeout
    ERROR: FetchInputs() : 1d39a70b2d mempool Tx prev not found 65afa050fd
    stored orphan tx 1d39a70b2d (mapsz 3)
    Added 482 addresses from 554 tried, 13179 new
    trying connection lastseen=7.9hrs
    Added 471 addresses from 554 tried, 13163 new
    Added 256 addresses from 554 tried, 13176 new
    ERROR: FetchInputs() : e7aaf13b38 mempool Tx prev not found 6d910126b9
    stored orphan tx e7aaf13b38 (mapsz 4)
    connection timeout
    ERROR: FetchInputs() : 16f3bc6faf mempool Tx prev not found 10eea3562a
    stored orphan tx 16f3bc6faf (mapsz 5)
    ERROR: FetchInputs() : 77216b3b50 mempool Tx prev not found 7aaa94a285
    stored orphan tx 77216b3b50 (mapsz 6)
    ERROR: FetchInputs() : 6beb184c92 mempool Tx prev not found 619678527b
    stored orphan tx 6beb184c92 (mapsz 7)
    ERROR: FetchInputs() : 996966fd90 mempool Tx prev not found 399a9a400e
    stored orphan tx 996966fd90 (mapsz 8)
    ERROR: FetchInputs() : 3038e410aa mempool Tx prev not found 5d59b718bf
    stored orphan tx 3038e410aa (mapsz 9)
    ERROR: FetchInputs() : d5a698fdaa mempool Tx prev not found 0a77bdb66d
    stored orphan tx d5a698fdaa (mapsz 10)
    ERROR: FetchInputs() : 5cc474f0ac mempool Tx prev not found 2e11bd71c8
    stored orphan tx 5cc474f0ac (mapsz 11)
    ERROR: FetchInputs() : 81fd70aaa6 mempool Tx prev not found c81dcb758b
    stored orphan tx 81fd70aaa6 (mapsz 12)
    trying connection lastseen=5.9hrs
    ERROR: FetchInputs() : d8aedd4c09 mempool Tx prev not found 7c37818d64
    stored orphan tx d8aedd4c09 (mapsz 13)
    connection timeout
    trying connection lastseen=4.9hrs
    received block ce710c99880afd58cedb
    SetBestChain: new best=ce710c99880afd58cedb  height=288608  work=1330502166201102  date=01/03/14 03:12:10
    ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
    Flushing wallet.dat
    Flushed wallet.dat 8ms
    connection timeout
    trying connection lastseen=3.9hrs
    connection timeout
    trying connection lastseen=4.8hrs
    connection timeout
    trying connection lastseen=0.9hrs
    Flushed 13729 addresses to peers.dat  91ms


  5. So any time I start the desktop wallet in Windows, this starts happening about 30 minutes later:




    The number of blocks went down by about 10 over the course of 4 hours. The strange thing is, I'm positive the most recent blocks have been indexed. I can see them being index through the log file. But this gets better! Now this is what I'm seeing:




    I could be wrong, but I think the block chain has fewer than 300k blocks.


    I'm using MinCoin v0.6.5.0-g498f5d1-beta on Windows 8.1.

  6. Just to add a bit of information, here is my output from getinfo:


        "version" : 60400,
        "protocolversion" : 60002,
        "walletversion" : 60000,
        "balance" : 18.44974475,
        "blocks" : 287474,
        "connections" : 6,
        "proxy" : "",
        "difficulty" : 2.34968269,
        "testnet" : false,
        "keypoololdest" : 1387839431,
        "keypoolsize" : 101,
        "paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
        "mininput" : 0.00010000,
        "errors" : "Mandatory upgrade to Litecoin  https://litecoin.org/upgrade"
  7. This is a cross post from the Litecoin Talk forums which I thought might be worth discussing here, as MinCoin uses the same scrypt hashing algorithm as Litecoin.


    The following I am going to quote is posted by a famous bitcoin developer, gmaxwell, he is one of the core bitcoin developers and suggest LTC should change it's proof of work function to avoid ASIC mining.


    According to reports scrypt ASICs may soon exist, finally completely eliminating this feature distinguishing Litecoin from Bitcoin— at first LTC was supposed to be CPU only but that failed, then GPU only and thats failing.
    I never thought much of the goal here, but at least it was a distinction— if, IMO, a kinda dumb one.  The thing I like least about alts is the lack of distinction and innovation they frequently suffer, and so being another asic mined coins but with different asics seems like such a waste to me.
    If the LTC community wanted it could change POW and the practice of being willing to change it would probably be a stronger protection for general purpose hardware than the use of any particularity or set of particular schemes could ever be. Though since (it seems to me) so much of the LTC community is miners the change would have to be to another CPU+GPU friendly one so the existing miners wouldn't be left out.
    There are a lot of options here— including different POWs already deployed other ALTs or something novel.  What got me musing on this subject was the question of: If I threw out an alt that used ECDSA signature validation as its POW would someone write ultra fast GPU code for ECDSA (which would be very useful in helping to scale node performance, even in Bitcoin)?
    I suspect that if LTC doesn't change POW now that the introduction of fixed function hardware will mean that it never can. Perhaps its already too late, though I don't know: LTC has always advertised itself as being GPUASIC proof, and a violation of that is an outright bug, which arguably should be fixed no different than if it were possible to mine more than 84 million litecoins.
    Such a change could be made mostly seamlessly— a new version released, and a deadline for upgrade, not too unlike the Bitcoin 0.8 hardfork or the nversion=2 blocks. Existing miners could even use coinbase votes (indicating their ability to support the switch in the blocks they mine) to trigger the change so that it could be done in a way which is assured to not exclude too much of the existing hashrate (though, presumably, using a coinbase vote would fail if there are secretly large asic farms already). Miners would need to upgrade software, but they'd just have to update sometime before the switchover, no tricky synchronization would be required.
    I wonder what people think of this? Is this the sort of thing that could get near-unanimous consensus in the LTC community?



    The short and skinny of the discussion is the potentially negative effect ASICs have on Bitcoin, and the "arms race" they have created. ASICs have put the power into the hands of the rich and powerful, which largely defeats the purpose of crypto-coins. Every day people have lost the currency war when coins can only be mined using incredibly expensive hardware.

  8. So I've noticed the MinCoin wallet/daemon is several versions behind the Litecoin software from which it was forked. It also appears no new commits have been added to the software in 2 months, and before that single commit it's been 9 months.


    Now I'm seeing this error coming from the wallet, "Mandatory upgrade to Litecoin https://litecoin.org/upgrade". Which means:


    * May not be applicable to MinCoin, and should just be ignored.

    * Someone should change the error message to say "MinCoin" instead of "Litecoin".

    * Is possibly a sign the software needs some critical fixes.


    It's also not a good sign when the developers have disabled the Github issue tracker. It's a bit like hanging up a "Do Not Disturb" sign.


    Little things like this really bring down the perceived value of MinCoin, at least among developers.

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