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  1. Hello just wanted to tell you how to mine with your wallet in a really easy way. Install the Mincoin wallet (OSX in my case), go to help menu and open debug window, open the console and type the comand setgenerate true, press intro. To check it, write the command getmininginfo and press enter, you will find dificulty, hashrate, current blocks etc. If in generate you can read true, it is done. To stop mining use setgenerate false. If you go to the debug window > information you can open the console to watch "what's happening" in real time. This method works in many wallets like fedoracoin, doge, quarks, if you have a powerfull cpu maybe you can have a try. cheers everybody P.S. I'm not an expert at all so maybe is no very profitable but is fun check it how it works
  2. Hello thanks for my first 6 MNCs, really nice and easy. I'm a mac user and music productor, DJ, musician, all my stuff is free downloadable. Now I'm accepting tips & donations with Bitcoin & Quark, so could be nice add a Mincoin address, but I'd like to use a local wallet. At the moment I can use the MCXNOW wallet, I think they do not change it like others exchanges does. So waiting for the OSX wallet...I say waiting cause I saw it's still in development status, If I'm wrong and it is ready please tell me where to download it. If anybody has curiosity here is my soundcloud profile with lots of tracks & DJ mixes [dubstep, metalstep, glitch, downtempo, drum&bass etc etc] ALL FREE DOWNLOAD https://soundcloud.com/billy-korg MNC Address: MENPT9njBjTya5GPi28ynpLG9oUieo3TfH BTC Address: 16kJdksQD5wT62PgBds1GxakYSgDwhy58q QRK Address: QSJHSH94Kf7Ev2NiuhUVexSein1QMjBGz6 best for you all
  3. In this thread, I hope to lay out a concept for a way to exchange MNC for giftcards redeemable both online and at physical store locations. It is my opinion that exchanging MNC to giftcards would provide the quickest, most legal way to redeem an alt-currency for something rather identical to fiat. Q: Why is it the quickest? With a little bit of automation, it is possible for a customer to send MNC- either from a client or from user to user on mcxnow- within a few minutes. Once this transaction is verified, an Amazon giftcard could be purchased in fiat by the business and emailed to the customer. The customer could then redeem that giftcard and spend it at a USD value equivalent to a person paying with a debit card. This has multiple implications. 1) A bank account is not required on the customer's end. No centralization, no arbitrary waiting periods and fees, no personal information, no seizing of assets. 2) Since giftcards are not "true fiat" (more below), the business operating this exchange should NOT be required to register with the gov't as a money exchanger. This is because when you pay $25 for a "$25 gift card", you are paying for a "ticket" to purchase the equivalent of what the store values to be $25. You don't own $25 USD that are backed by the FDIC and a bank when you purchase a gift card. You own a piece of plastic redeemable for whatever is printed on it- it's up to the merchant to accept it or not. Since they were the ones who printed the card, it's probably in their interest to accept it! As a result, this service would be of interest for anyone who is looking to go from MNC -> fiat -> physical goods, as I suspect very few of us out there are interested in holding fiat for a long period of time as a wise investment decision. Q: Why not just make stores that accept MNC? You do it, then. Until someone has the resources to match the distribution of Amazon, or Applebee's, or Newegg, this system makes the most sense in my mind. It is nice to have small shops that accept crypto, of course! But I don't see these ideas as mutually exclusive. Q: How high would the premium have to be? That is up to the business risking their fiat short-term to decide. I think while MNC's price remains unstable (0.0015-0.0029 is not stable), a reasonable premium would be 5-15%. It depends on the orderbooks, the status of whales in the market (pumping or dumping?), and the need for the business to cover expenses. There is no overhead in this business model, unless the business is doing some of this on credit. Then they would need to dump a percentage of their coins to cover expenses. When MNC price is stable (whales identified, mining hashrate stable, more competition among services and exchanges), then the premium should be as close to face as possible. Please reply/pm/email me if you have any questions about this content!
  4. 10/15/2013: This thread is intended to be an introduction for anyone looking to learn more about the scrypt algorithm, which is the current "mining algorithm" in use for MinCoin. I will be adding to/coherently organizing this when I have more time, but for now it is good to start the discussion. The Scrypt Algorithm: A Primer (http://www.tarsnap.com/scrypt/scrypt.pdf) (main site) (http://www.tarsnap.com/scrypt/scrypt.pdf) (white paper) Scrypt was created by Colin Percival in May 2009 in an attempt to make a much more secure encryption mechanism than PBKDF2 and bcrypt. "Secure" is used here in the sense of being extremely expensive in both time and hardware to decrypt without the cryptographic key used to gain access to the information that has been encrypted. Q: What does this mean? It means that compared to other encryption mechanisms (say SHA256, Bitcoin's), it is many thousands of times more expensive to "attack" a person's encrypted data by trying to guess their password by trying millions of guesses. This is called brute forcing. Q: But why? The way I've read it so far, scrypt is "sequentially memory-hard" (it stores a lot of data in RAM during hashing). Specialized RAM is super expensive because engineers want to be paid a lot of money for trying to figure out how to make it store more data quickly. In fact, Percival estimates that it would take $19 billion USD in technology and electricity and one year of time to use all possible guesses on a scrypt-encrypted, 8 character password string. That's expensive compared to a password encrypted in bcrypt or PBKDF2 (millions and thousands respectively). Q: Why is scrypt so hard to attack? This question is above my head currently. You should read the white paper published freely by Percival, and you should also read D.J. Bernstein's work on salsa20, the scrambling function in scrypt. (http://cr.yp.to/salsa20.html) Q: What does this have to do with MinCoin? Roughly every minute, a block is successfully mined and reported to the MinCoin network. Transactions reported to the network are stored in blocks. To prevent people from spamming fake transactions to the network, transactions are verified with cryptographic keys, which are hard to fraudulently make unless you are the true owner. This is the cryptography part of cryptocurrencies that makes them so useful and valuable- encrypted bits of data are valuable because they are so secure and unreproducible that they simulate owning a physical object of value (USD, gold, cake, whatever). I will eventually make both a simpler and more technical discussion of the algorithm here. Please reply/pm/email me with any questions you have about this material!
  5. Only 10million MinCoin will ever be produced. Compared to ~21million with Bitcoin and 84 million with Litecoin.
  6. MinCoin (Min is short for minimalist) has CPU/GPU based scrypt mining 1 minute blocks. Only 10 million MinCoins will be produced. Only 2880 MinCoins are mined each day for the next 10 years. A low total amount of coins and fast blocks make MinCoin an ideal candidate for a long term cryptocommodity prospect.
  7. What can we use it for in the economy? Considering it has fast 1min confirmations It can still be used as an online currency for buying/selling goods and services over the internet, but from the commodity stand point what could be potential uses? First things that come to my mind are: 1. A low cost way to transfer wealth from individual to individual 2. An easy/efficient way to store wealth 3. Speculation against other forms of currencies and commodities what else?
  8. For me this is pretty clear, if it acts like a commodity, and works/looks like a commodity then it IS a commodity! There you have it. MinCoin, A Crypto/Digital-Commodity......as far as I'm concerned. -the same could be said of Bitcoin, Litecoin and the rest!
  9. Welcome New Users To MinCoin & MinCoinForum! MinCoin (Min is short for minimalist) has CPU/GPU based scrypt mining 1 minute blocks and only 10 million total coins. Only 2880 MinCoins are mined each day for the next 10 years. A low total amount and fast blocks make MinCoin a good long term prospect for a Crypto-Commodity project. Please introduce yourself or just say hi And Welcome to the MinCoinForum ! -ST
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