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  1. Welcome New Users To MinCoin & MinCoinForum! MinCoin (Min is short for minimalist) has CPU/GPU based scrypt mining 1 minute blocks and only 10 million total coins. Only 2880 MinCoins are mined each day for the next 10 years. A low total amount and fast blocks make MinCoin a good long term prospect for a Crypto-Commodity project. Please introduce yourself or just say hi And Welcome to the MinCoinForum ! -ST
  2. This Promotion Has Now Ended! Thanks to everyone who participated!! Hello Everyone!! I still have Several UNCLAIMED CryptoBetFair.com VOUCHERS!! PLEASE CLAIM YOUR VOUCHER!! All Vouchers Not Claimed Will Be CANCELED 30 Days From Today! Stay Tuned For The Next MinCoin Promotion!! Get Your Voucher For 20 FREE MinCoin Today! Here's How: 1. Like & Retweet the following 3 tweets: https://twitter.com/MinCoinus/status/925402971176923136 https://twitter.com/MinCoinus/status/927340547177578498 https://twitter.com/MinCoinProject/status/928776078763606016 2. Post A Link To YOUR Twitter Account So We Can Verify The Likes & Retweets **You MUST Have A Twitter Account With A Profile** ***Twitter Account Can NOT be brand new/created just for this promotion*** 3. Post The Username You Use @ CryptoBetFair.com ****If You Do Not Follow The Above Steps Correctly Your Post Will Be DELETED**** Once the above is completed we will reply to your post with a cryptobetfair voucher that is unique to your user name at cryptobefair and can Only be redeemed by you! Thanks Again To CryptoBetFair For Accepting MinCoin!! - Also - Let us know your Discord User Name so we can make you an 'Associate' in the channel! *This Promotion is LIMITED To The First 30 50 Users!! -ST **Note, the original promotion was for a 10MNC voucher, I have decided to increase it to a 20MNC voucher those who already submitted for the promotion will receive a 2nd voucher for 10MNC to make their total 20MNC MinCoin, The Word's Rarest & Fastest Cryptocommodity!
  3. Where can i buy Mincoins? Hi, Mincoiners! does anyone know where i can buy Mincoin with credit card or paypal at the lowest fees as possible... thanks!
  4. MinCoin.us Facebook | Twitter | YouTube Channel | Reddit | Google+ The.MinCoin.Project.White-Paper.pdf Mit großer Freude möchten wir offiziell ein Update für das MinCoin-Projekt ankündigen! *Netzwerk & Wallet Upgrade* Eine Hard Fork wurde bei Block 1452840 aktiviert, der am Donnerstag, dem 28. September, am frühen Morgen statt fand. Wir freuen uns, dieses Netzwerk-Upgrade anbieten zu können, das die folgenden neuen Funktionen enthält und Mincoin v0.8.8.0 präsentiert. Schwierigkeitsanpassung durch Dark Gravity Wave v3 Geschürfte Mincoins voll entwickelt nach 300 Bestätigungen Deutlich reduzierte Transaktionsgebühren Mehr Platz in jedem Block für Null/Niedrig-Gebühren Transaktionen Größerer Transaktionsspeicherpool Reduzierte minimale Eingabegröße auf 25 Mikro-Mincoins Volle Unterstützung für IPv4, IPv6 und Tor Seeds Voll funktionsfähiges Testnetz Neuer Checkpoint Benachrichtigungssysten wiederhergestellt 100% Überarbeitung des MinCoin Code -Upgrade auf die letzte Version [v0.8.8.0] des MinCoin Wallets- Vorherige Versionen des Mincoin Wallets werden nicht mehr unterstützt!! Für diejenigen die noch nie von MinCoin gehört haben, hier einige Spezifikationen: Startdatum: April 03, 2013 Algorithmus: Scrypt Maximale Anzahl: 10 Millionen MinCoins Blockzeit: 1 Minute Algorithmus Anpassung: Dark Gravity Wave v3 Belohnung pro Block: 2 MNC/Block Belohnungshalbierung: Keine Vorgeschürfte Coins: Kein Premining Transaktion bestätigt nach Blöcken: 6 Voll ausgereifte Blöcke nach: 300 Bestätigungen MinCoin Werkzeuge Info Video CoinMill Währungsrechner MinCoin Block Crawler MinCoin Papier Wallet Generator MinCoin Block Explorer MinCoinBlockExplorer.com CryptoExplore.com MinCoin bei BitcoinWiki.org MinCoin Pools MinCoin P2Pool 803Mine Mining-Dutch Multipool BlockMunch.Club MinCoin Community MinCoin Offizielles Forum MinCoin IRC Kanal (#MinCoin bei irc.freenode.net) MinCoin bei Reddit BitCoinTalk.org Thread MinCoin Wiki MinCoin Discord MinCoin Händler CryptoBetFair Online Casino MinCoin Börsen TradeSatoshi.com CryptoHub.online MinCoin Downloads Source Code (Github) Windows Wallet (.zip) Linux Wallet (.zip) Mac OSX Wallet (.zip) * Android Wallets sind momentan in Entwicklung! Beispiel .conf Datei (mincoin.conf) listen=1 daemon=1 server=1 rpcuser=[username] rpcpassword=[password] rpcconnect= # Optionale Empfehlungen # zum aktivieren auskommentieren timeout=1500 txindex=1 rpcthreads=32 shrinkdebugfile=0 dbcache=256 * Adressen für die Verbindung sind im Wallet bereits einprogrammiert. Wir haben hart gearbeitet, um uns auf diesen Relaunch vorzubereiten und haben an vielen Projekten gearbeitet, um den Nutzern und Unterstützern von MinCoin einen Mehrwert zu bieten. Nachfolgend finden Sie einige der heißesten Updates für MinCoin. Neue MinCoin Website MinCoin in den Sozialen Medien MinCoin Wallet MinCoin Händler Werkzeuge Viele weitere werden folgen... MinCoin ist eine Ableitung des Litecoin-Codes, und Litecoin ist wirklich nur ein Klon von Bitcoin. Was MinCoin von beiden unterscheidet, ist, dass es das Beste aus beiden herausholt und sie zu einer Krypto-Ware/Währung kombiniert. Ob Bitcoin-Anhänger es glauben wollen oder nicht, Bitcoin ist eine Ware und keine Währung, und wie bei den Rohstoffen, ist das, was den Wert wirklich antreibt, begrenztes Angebot und Nachfrage. Da MinCoin nur 10 Millionen Münzen hat, die jemals hergestellt werden, verglichen mit 21 Millionen für Bitcoin, ist es ziemlich einfach zu erkennen, welche davon seltener ist. Bis Ende September 2017 wurden 78,9% aller Bitcoins bereits verteilt, aber bei Mincoin - sind noch 61,8% der gesamten Coins unverteilt. "Befähigen Sie die Massen, ihre Finanzen selbst zu verwalten und die Aufbewahrung von Vermögenswerten und Transaktionen zu erleichtern, indem Sie Vorteile durch das MinCoin-Protokoll und das MinCoin-Netzwerk beziehen, die die Monopole des Bankgeschäfts überflüssig machen." - Mission Statement, MinCoin Dev Team. Werden Sie Teil unserer wachsenden Community und fangen Sie an, MinCoin zu benutzen. Gehe auf MinCoin.us und downloade unser brandneues Wallet. MinCoin.us MinCoin hat ein neues Forum. Schau doch mal vorbei >>https://www.mincoinforum.com *Unten ist der Original-Thread* Ich bin mir sicher, dass viele von Ihnen bemerkt haben, dass MinCoin einige Probleme mit unserem Schwierigkeitsanpassungs Algorythmus hat, das eine Menge Instabilität im MNC-Netzwerk verursacht, sowie Transaktions-Bestätigungszeiten und die Rentabilität des gesamten schürfens im Vergleich zu anderen Coins. Heute haben wir eine Änderung an diesem Schwierigkeitsanpassungs Algorythmus vorgenommen, um eine stabilere Netzwerk-Hashrate zu erreichen und auch dazu beizutragen, das 1 Minuten Block/Bestätigungsziel zu stabilisieren. Dies sollte auch dazu beitragen, die Rentabilität das Mincoin schürfens zu verbessern. Dies erfordert jedoch ein obligatorisches Update des MinCoin QT Clients und Daemons für alle Miner und Poolbetreiber. Wir bitten alle, vor Block 75000 ein Upgrade durchzuführen, da ab hier der neue Schwierigkeitsanpassungs Algorythmus in Kraft tritt. Ankündigung von MinCoin! Wenn Sie kein früher Anwender von BitCoin oder LiteCoin waren, haben Sie hier die Chance, ein Anwender des schnellsten Coins zu werden! MinCoin (MNC) – eine minimalistische Version von Bitcoin, die für CPU-Mining optimiert ist und Scrypt als Algorithmus verwendet. Es werden nur 10 Millionen Coins insgesamt erzeugt 1-Minuten-Blockzeit für ultraschnelle Transaktionen Um eine frühzeitige Akzeptanz zu fördern, sind die Blockwerte für die ersten 3 Tage wie folgt: 500 MNC, 100 MNC, 50 MNC Nach den ersten 3 Tagen wird der Wert pro Block auf 2 MNC gesenkt, bis alle Coins geschürft sind. Schwierigkeitsanpassung alle 720 Blöcke Das Mining begann um 00:21 UTC am 3. April 2013 und wurde im IRC und im WWW kurz darauf angekündigt. Es gibt kein Premining! Erste Schritte: Solo mining: Starte mincoin.exe oder compiliere aus der Source von Github. Es wird sofort beendet, da keine gültige Konfigurationsdatei gefunden wurde. Gehe zum Verzeichnis %appdata%\mincoin und erstelle eine Datei namens mincoin.conf. In dieser Datei fügen Sie zwei Zeilen hinzu: rpcuser=user rpcpassword=pass Speichern Sie dann die Datei. Führen Sie nun mincoin.exe erneut aus. Führen Sie CGMINER aus und verweisen Sie ihn auf mit dem Benutzernamen "user" und dem Passwort von "pass". Wenn Sie CGMINER verwenden, setzen Sie die Option "--expiry 1", um sicherzustellen, dass Sie Stales vermeiden. cgminer --scrypt -o -u user -p pass --expiry 1 Edited yesterday at 03:48 AM by 2g4y1 Translation complete
  5. Mincoin is awesome! it's the worlds best altcoin. I like it very much.
  6. Informação de moeda de criptografia MinCoin MinCoin.us Facebook | Twitter | YouTube Channel | Reddit |Google+ The.MinCoin.Project.White-Paper.pdf With great pleasure, we would like to Officially Announce An Update To The MinCoin Project! *Mandatory Wallet Upgrade* A Hard Fork was activated at block 1452840 which occurred early morning on Thursday, September 28th. We are excited to deliver this network upgrade which includes the following new features and introduces Mincoin v0.8.8. Difficulty Adjustment by Dark Gravity Wave v3 Mined Mincoins Fully Mature at 300 Confirmations Significantly Reduced Transaction Fees More Space in Each Block For zero/low-fee Transactions Larger Orphan Transaction Memory Pool Reduced Mininum Input Size to 25 Micro-Mincoins Full Service IPv4, IPv6 and Tor Seeds Fully Functional Testnet New Checkpoint Alert System Restored 100% Overhaul of Mincoin Code -Upgrade To The Latest Version [v0.8.8.0] Of The MinCoin Wallet- Previous Versions Of The MinCoin Wallet Will No Longer Be Supported!! For those who have never heard about MinCoin, below are the specifications: Launched: April 03, 2013 Proof-Of-Work: Scrypt Supply: 10 Million Coins Speed: 1 minute Difficulty Adjustment: Dark Gravity Wave v3 Subsidy: 2 MNC/Block Reduction: None Premined: Zero Premine Transaction Confirmation: 6 Full Maturity For Mined Blocks: 300 Confirmations MinCoin Tools Informational video CoinMill Exchange Rate Calculator MinCoin Block Crawler MinCoin Paper Wallet Generator MinCoin Block Explorer MinCoin P2Pool MinCoin Community MinCoin Official Forum MinCoin IRC Channel (#MinCoin on irc.freenode.net) MinCoin on Reddit BitCoinTalk.org Thread MinCoin Wiki MinCoin Merchants CryptoBetFair Gaming MinCoin Exchanges TradeSatoshi.com MinCoin Downloads Source Code (Github) Windows Wallet (.zip) Linux Wallet (.zip) Mac OSX Wallet (.zip) * Android Wallet is currently being developed! Sample .conf file (mincoin.conf) listen=1 daemon=1 server=1 rpcuser=[username] rpcpassword=[password] rpcconnect= # Optional Recommendations # Uncomment to Activate timeout=1500 txindex=1 rpcthreads=32 shrinkdebugfile=0 dbcache=256 * Nodes are hardcoded in the wallet. We have been working really hard preparing for this re-launch, working on many projects to add more value to the coin users and supporters. Below are some of the hottest updates for MinCoin. New MinCoin Website MinCoin On Social Media MinCoin Wallet MinCoin Merchant Tools Plus many merchants to come.. MinCoin is a derivative of the Litecoin code, and Litecoin really is just a clone of Bitcoin. What separates MinCoin from both of those is it takes the best of both and it combines them into one crypto-commodity/currency. Whether Bitcoin supporters want to believe it or not, Bitcoin is a commodity not a currency and as with commodities what really drives value is limited supply/creation. With MinCoin only having 10 millions total coins to ever be produced compared to 21 millions for Bitcoin, it is pretty easy to see which one is more rare. By late September 2017, 78.9% of all Bitcoins have already been distributed, but in Mincoin - our flat emission cycle leaves 61.8% of the total Mincoin still uncirculated. "To empower people with the ability to govern their finances by enabling them with a superior method of wealth storage, wealth transfer & a mobile payment solution currency not available within today's banking system & the outdated infrastructure it supports." - Mission Statement, MinCoin Dev Team Become a part of our growing community and start using MinCoin. Go to MinCoin.us and download our all-new wallet now. MinCoin.us MinCoin has a new home. Stop by and check it out >>https://www.mincoinforum.com *Below is the original release thread/post details* I'm sure many of you have noticed that MinCoin has been having some issues with our Difficulty re-target causing a lot of instability in MNC network hashrate, Transaction Confirmation times and overall mining profitability compared to other coins. Today we have made a change to that Difficulty re-target in an effort to help create a more stable network hashrate and to also help stabilize the 1min block/confirm target. This should also help with mincoin mining profitability from a stability standpoint. However, this does require a mandatory update to the mincoin qt client and daemon for all miners and pool operators. We request that everyone upgrade prior to block 75000 as that is the target block for the new Difficulty re-target of 60blocks to take effect. Thanks again for your continued support. I think this change will help benefit everyone involved with this project. Announcing MinCoin! If you weren't an early adopter for BitCoin or LiteCoin here is your chance to become one for the fastest coin out there! https://github.com/SandyCohen/mincoin **Latest github: https://github.com/vipah/mincoin Windows 32bit binary: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/36733610/mincoin/mincoin.zip MinCoin (MNC) - a minimalist version of Bitcoin optimized for CPU mining using scrypt as a proof of work scheme. *Only 10 million coins total will be generated *1 minute block targets for ultra fast transactions *To encourage early adoption block values for first 3 days are :- 500 MNC, 100 MNC, 50 MNC *After first 3 days block value will be 2 MNC per block until all coins mined which will take roughly 10 years *Difficulty Retarget Every 60 Blocks Mining started at 12:21 UTC April 3, 2013 and was announced on IRC and the WWW not long after. There is no premine! Getting Started: Solo mining: Run mincoin.exe or compile the source from github. It should close down immediately after not finding a valid config file. -Go to %appdata%\mincoin directory and create a file called mincoin.conf . In this file add two lines rpcuser=user rpcpassword=pass Then save the file. Now run mincoin.exe again.Run CGMINER and point it to with the username of "user" and password of "pass" If you use CGMINER set the flag "--expiry 1" option to make sure you avoid stales, ie cgminer --scrypt -o -u user -p pass --expiry 1
  7. Great News!! We are back on CoinMarketCap.com !! You can view our listing here: CoinMarketCap.com/MinCoin -ST MinCoin, The World's Fastest & Rarest Cryptocommodity!
  8. I am Happy to Announce that MinCoin is an Accepted Cryptocurrency @ CryptoBetFair.com ! Have Fun, Test Your Luck and even Win MinCoin!! 3 Fun Games To Choose From!! Play Today!!! @ CryptoBetFair -ST MinCoin, The World's Rarest & Fastest Cryptocommodity!
  9. MinCoin Trading Volume Surges @ TradeSatoshi Altcoin Exchange! In the past 24hrs the MinCoin/Bitcoin [MNC/BTC] market at Tradesatoshi.com has seen a huge surge in buy-side volume. Trading over 2.4btc [roughly $15,500usd] and over 440K MinCoin exchanging hands! This is by far the largest increase in MinCoin trading volume on TradeSatoshi.com we have seen since it's initial listing just two short weeks ago! The volume surge was enough to catapult MinCoin into 3rd place for the bitcoin listed markets! You can keep an eye on all the MinCoin Trading Action at the following Tradesatoshi.com markets: MinCoin/Bitcoin Trading MinCoin/Litecoin Trading MinCoin/Dogecoin Trading Stay tuned for more exciting market action and mincoin developments! -ST MinCoin, The World's Fastest & Rarest Cryptocommodity!
  10. Are any of you altcoin traders on Instagram? If so make sure to support MinCoin on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/mincoinofficial/
  11. I like MinCoin very much than other altcoin.. I hope future of mincoin is very good.
  12. Interesting article citing why $bitcoin could reach $100,000. What do you guys think? I think it is totally possible and that 5 years from now people will look back at current bitcoin prices and think $2,000 was a "steal". " “Moore’s Law” has been identified by a Harvard Scientist in Bitcoin, and as such the belief is that the digital currency can reach $100,000 by February 2021, according to this theorem." You can read about the article here: Bitcoin To $100,000 ? -ST MinCoin, The #1 Digital Commodity.
  13. Hello thanks for my first 6 MNCs, really nice and easy. I'm a mac user and music productor, DJ, musician, all my stuff is free downloadable. Now I'm accepting tips & donations with Bitcoin & Quark, so could be nice add a Mincoin address, but I'd like to use a local wallet. At the moment I can use the MCXNOW wallet, I think they do not change it like others exchanges does. So waiting for the OSX wallet...I say waiting cause I saw it's still in development status, If I'm wrong and it is ready please tell me where to download it. If anybody has curiosity here is my soundcloud profile with lots of tracks & DJ mixes [dubstep, metalstep, glitch, downtempo, drum&bass etc etc] ALL FREE DOWNLOAD https://soundcloud.com/billy-korg MNC Address: MENPT9njBjTya5GPi28ynpLG9oUieo3TfH BTC Address: 16kJdksQD5wT62PgBds1GxakYSgDwhy58q QRK Address: QSJHSH94Kf7Ev2NiuhUVexSein1QMjBGz6 best for you all
  14. Wow, MinCoin was discussed by Princeton University! check out this awesome Altcoin video https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1422579428&x-yt-cl=85114404&v=x23C1sQg6wQ
  15. Preview: We Have Rebuilt www.mincoin.us Stop By And Take A Look !! *We still have plenty of work to do on the new website so bear with us as we continue to move forward! -ST MinCoin, The World's Best CryptoCommodity! www.mincoin.us www.mincoinforum.com MinCoin Facebook MinCoin Twitter
  16. I am currently investing in mincoin and am very interested in buying mincoin, is anybody selling mincoin for paypal or $ USD?
  17. Here MinCoin is being discussed 4 years ago! wow, this coin is one of the worlds original AltCoins! https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/feathercoin-interview-with-peter-bushnell-1376355117/
  18. Here is an updated link with the MinCoin Cryptocurrency Princeton University study https://www.mincoin.us/mincoin-princeton-university-study/
  19. For the more technical people on the MinCoin Forum, here is MinCoin's official Github page. https://github.com/mincoin/mincoin You can download the clients code and compile it on your home machine if you are a linux user!
  20. I just downloaded the mincoin wallet, wow this coin is way faster than bitcoin and litecoin! MinCoin for the Win!
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