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CoinStop is a full-featured YiiMP pool with servers located in Canada. No registration required They have upgraded to the latest Mincoin Core v0.14.3. You can find them on Discord and Twitter.
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We are Happy to Announce A new Cryptocurrency Mining Operation has added Mincoin! Has Added Mincoin is a multifaceted cryptocurrency mining pool. Anonymous | No Registration | Block Rewards are Shared | 1% Fee | Friendly Support Automatic Payments Every 2 Minutes (for Minimum Balances of 0.01 for Confirmed Blocks) PROP System Thanks again for the support! -ST MinCoin Mining. Mining MinCoin Cryptocurrency. Mine MinCoin Today!
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We are Happy to Announce MinCoin has been added to Multi-Pool! You can visit the pool here: WWW.Mining-Dutch They have upgraded to the latest Mincoin Core v0.14.3. MinCoin, The World's Rarest & Fastest Cryptocommodity!
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- Facebook | Twitter | YouTube Channel | Reddit |Google+ The.MinCoin.Project.White-Paper.pdf With great pleasure, we would like to Officially Announce An Update To The MinCoin Project! *Network & Wallet Upgrade* A Hard Fork was activated at block 1452840 which occurred early morning on Thursday, September 28th. We are excited to deliver this network upgrade which includes the following new features and introduces Mincoin v0.8.8. Difficulty Adjustment by Dark Gravity Wave v3 Mined Mincoins Fully Mature at 300 Confirmations Significantly Reduced Transaction Fees More Space in Each Block For zero/low-fee Transactions Larger Orphan Transaction Memory Pool Reduced Mininum Input Size to 25 Micro-Mincoins Full Service IPv4, IPv6 and Tor Seeds Fully Functional Testnet New Checkpoint Alert System Restored 100% Overhaul of Mincoin Code -Upgrade To The Latest Version [v0.8.8.0] Of The MinCoin Wallet- Previous Versions Of The MinCoin Wallet Are No Longer Supported!! For those who have never heard about MinCoin, below are the specifications: Launched: April 03, 2013 Proof-Of-Work: Scrypt Supply: 10 Million Coins Speed: 1 minute Difficulty Adjustment: Dark Gravity Wave v3 Subsidy: 2 MNC/Block Reduction: None Premined: Zero Premine Transaction Confirmation: 6 Full Maturity For Mined Blocks: 300 Confirmations MinCoin Tools Informational video CoinMill Exchange Rate Calculator MinCoin Block Crawler MinCoin Paper Wallet Generator MinCoin Block Explorer MinCoin On MinCoin Pools MinCoin P2Pool 803Mine Mining-Dutch Multipool BlockMunch.Club MinCoin Community MinCoin Official Forum MinCoin IRC Channel (#MinCoin on MinCoin on Reddit Thread MinCoin Wiki MinCoin Discord MinCoin Merchants CryptoBetFair Gaming MinCoin Exchanges MinCoin Downloads Source Code (Github) Windows Wallet (.zip) Linux Wallet (.zip) Mac OSX Wallet (.zip) * Android Wallet is currently being developed! Sample .conf file (mincoin.conf) listen=1 daemon=1 server=1 rpcuser=[username] rpcpassword=[password] rpcconnect= # Optional Recommendations # Uncomment to Activate timeout=1500 txindex=1 rpcthreads=32 shrinkdebugfile=0 dbcache=256 * Nodes are hardcoded in the wallet. We have been working really hard preparing for this re-launch, working on many projects to add more value to the coin users and supporters. Below are some of the hottest updates for MinCoin. New MinCoin Website MinCoin On Social Media MinCoin Wallet MinCoin Merchant Tools Plus many merchants to come.. MinCoin is a derivative of the Litecoin code, and Litecoin really is just a clone of Bitcoin. What separates MinCoin from both of those is it takes the best of both and it combines them into one crypto-commodity/currency. Whether Bitcoin supporters want to believe it or not, Bitcoin is a commodity not a currency and as with commodities what really drives value is limited supply/creation. With MinCoin only having 10 millions total coins to ever be produced compared to 21 millions for Bitcoin, it is pretty easy to see which one is more rare. By late September 2017, 78.9% of all Bitcoins have already been distributed, but in Mincoin - our flat emission cycle leaves 61.8% of the total Mincoin still uncirculated. "To empower people with the ability to govern their finances by enabling them with a superior method of wealth storage, wealth transfer & a mobile payment solution currency not available within today's banking system & the outdated infrastructure it supports." - Mission Statement, MinCoin Dev Team Become a part of our growing community and start using MinCoin. Go to and download our all-new wallet now. MinCoin has a new home. Stop by and check it out >> *Below is the original release thread/post details* I'm sure many of you have noticed that MinCoin has been having some issues with our Difficulty re-target causing a lot of instability in MNC network hashrate, Transaction Confirmation times and overall mining profitability compared to other coins. Today we have made a change to that Difficulty re-target in an effort to help create a more stable network hashrate and to also help stabilize the 1min block/confirm target. This should also help with mincoin mining profitability from a stability standpoint. However, this does require a mandatory update to the mincoin qt client and daemon for all miners and pool operators. We request that everyone upgrade prior to block 75000 as that is the target block for the new Difficulty re-target of 60blocks to take effect. Thanks again for your continued support. I think this change will help benefit everyone involved with this project. Announcing MinCoin! If you weren't an early adopter for BitCoin or LiteCoin here is your chance to become one for the fastest coin out there! **Latest github: Windows 32bit binary: MinCoin (MNC) - a minimalist version of Bitcoin optimized for CPU mining using scrypt as a proof of work scheme. *Only 10 million coins total will be generated *1 minute block targets for ultra fast transactions *To encourage early adoption block values for first 3 days are :- 500 MNC, 100 MNC, 50 MNC *After first 3 days block value will be 2 MNC per block until all coins mined which will take roughly 10 years *Difficulty Retarget Every 60 Blocks Mining started at 12:21 UTC April 3, 2013 and was announced on IRC and the WWW not long after. There is no premine! Getting Started: Solo mining: Run mincoin.exe or compile the source from github. It should close down immediately after not finding a valid config file. -Go to %appdata%\mincoin directory and create a file called mincoin.conf . In this file add two lines rpcuser=user rpcpassword=pass Then save the file. Now run mincoin.exe again.Run CGMINER and point it to with the username of "user" and password of "pass" If you use CGMINER set the flag "--expiry 1" option to make sure you avoid stales, ie cgminer --scrypt -o -u user -p pass --expiry 1
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Every pool is susceptible to various kinds of downtime in spite of every effort made by the operator... it's just the nature of the internet, a bit like catching a cold is part of being human. No one wants to waste mining time because their favourite pool is unreachable, but since it will probably happen at some point, I recommend configuring at least one backup mining pool (MNC of course). First sign-up to a different MNC pool than the one you already use and create a worker account. Adding a failover pool from within cgminer/sgminer: From the main cgminer/sgminer screen hit 'P' to access the Pool Management menu. If it says "Failover only disabled", hit 'F' to enable failover only. Press 'A' to add another pool. Enter the information that it asks for. Complete URL including port, ie: You can save the new config ('S' from the main menu, then 'W'rite config file) If you make a mistake, you cannot go back but you use the 'R'emove function and start over. Add additional lines to your cgminer/sgminer .conf file: If you prefer to edit the config file by hand, add the backup pool below your primary pool (order is important): "pools" : [ { "user" : "USERNAME.WORKER", "pass" : "PASSWORD" }, { "user" : "USERNAME.WORKER", "pass" : "PASSWORD" } ] Also make sure the failover setting is set true: "failover-only" : true,You can even add a third and fourth backup using the same instructions. If the primary pool fails, the miner will try the backup pools in order until it finds a working one. When the primary pool becomes available again, the miner will automatically switch back. Unfortunately for those using cudaminer for NVidia cards, it does not [yet] have fail-over support built-in, but it is on the author's TODO list.
As long as MinCoin is using a scrypt based hashing algorithm this litecoin minning guide will work for MinCoin as well. Litecoin is a cryptocurrency that uses an alternative, memory hard hashing algorithm called scrypt that was devised by mathematics' prodigy Colin Percival. The algorithm utilizes SHA256 and a stream function called salsa20 to force devices that mine it to either use a lot of memory or use dramatically more ALU cycles to perform a hash. With the parameters used in Litecoin's implementation of scrypt (N = 1024; p = 1; r = 1), each thread uses approximately 64-128 KB depending on the settings for lookup_gap and thread_concurrency in the mining program when mining with a GPU. Because GPUs have such fast memory (bandwidth in the hundreds of GB/s) and roughly 128-512 KB of RAM per stream processor, they are ideal for mining Litecoin. This requirement for fast memory in order to mine quickly results in Litecoin being FPGA and ASIC resistant; although ASICs may one day come out for Litecoin, they are not expected to garner the same performance increases as for Bitcoin (two orders of magnitude more efficient). Mining The major factor which impacts hash rate/hardware errors is the thread_concurrency. The second most important factor for some cards is the ratio of core speed to memory speed. Typically optimum values of thread_concurrency are a multiple of 64 and vary per card and per card family (see below). The (core speed/memory speed) quotient should be 0.8 or less for 5xxx/6xxx cards and 0.7 or less for most 7xxx cards. Some evidence suggests that different 7xxx cards may have different ideal core:memory clock ratios, too. GUIMiner-scrypt is out! Comes with all settings in this thread and all miners. No more command line interfaces! Try it here. For all series cards, Install AMD APP SDK: Install latest AMD drivers: or Use current recommend AMD driver (12.8): 13.1 32-bit 13.1 64-bit AVOID 12.10 DRIVERS, THEY SEEM TO BREAK LITECOIN PERFORMANCE. 13.X SEEM TO BE OKAY. 5xxx series cards Use cgminer. Command line to run: Code: cgminer --scrypt -o -u username -p password --thread-concurrency ???? -I 18 -g 1 -w 256 You can use pretty much any thread_concurrency between 1536 and 8192 that is a multiple of 64. Some people recommend using 4 or 5 * the number of SPs. You can find those in the table here: (1st number in core config) Recommended thread concurrencies for 57xx cards: 2368-4096 (3200 is common) 58xx cards: 4096-8192 (5600, 7168, and 8000 are common) 5970 card: 4096-8192 (5632 or 8000 are common) Typical 5xxx series performance: 0.255 kh/s/shader 6xxx series cards Use cgminer. Command line to run: Code: cgminer --scrypt -o -u username -p password --thread-concurrency ???? -I 18 -g 1 -w 256 You can use pretty much any thread_concurrency between 1536 and 8192 that is a multiple of 64. Some people recommend using 4 or 5 * the number of SPs. You can find those in the table here: (1st number in core config) Recommended thread concurrencies for 67xx cards: 2368-4096 (3200 is common) 68xx cards: 3008-6144 (4800 is common) 69xx cards: 4096-8192 (5600, 7168, and 8000 are common) 6990 card: 4096-8192 (5632 or 8000 are common) Typical 6xxx series performance: 0.313 kh/s/shader 7xxx series cards Use reaper or cgminer versions 2.11.3 and up (see update below). Set thread_concurrency to somewhere slightly below 64 * bus_width_of_card_in_bits. So, for a 7950, that would be 64 * 384 = 24576; ideal values are 21712 or 24000. Find your bus width here: To find the optimum thread_concurrency for your card, you will need to search above and below this estimate ideal value and see what is fastest. If you'd like to use reaper, follow the steps below. Make reaper.conf the following: Code: kernel save_binaries yes enable_graceful_shutdown no long_polling yes platform 0 device 0 # device 1 # device 2 # device 3 mine litecoin device ? must be added for every card you have to avoid using the CPU as well to mine. Make sure when reaper starts that it states that the CPU platform is disabled. CPU mining does not work correctly and may actually slow down GPU mining with reaper. Example configuration (550kh/s, 7950) of litecoin.conf: Code: port 8344 user username pass password protocol litecoin worksize 256 vectors 1 aggression 20 threads_per_gpu 1 sharethreads 32 lookup_gap 2 gpu_thread_concurrency 21712 Save litecoin.conf and run reaper.exe. The 7xxx series can be tricky, for instance the 7770 seems to have an optimum thread concurrency of 8000 and works fine with cgminer and an intensity of 16 (I get 191kh/s with those settings). The 79xx cards should be amenable to the configuration above and are the fastest possible cards you can mine with. Optimal thread concurrencies for 7xxx family: 7770: 8000 (200 kh/s, aggression 19) 7850: ???? 7870: 15360 (400 kh/s, aggression 19) 7950: 21712 or 24000 (~575 kh/s) 7970 (cgminer): 22392 (~700 kh/s can be obtained with a core/memory ratio of 0.57) 7970 (reaper): 20992, 21712, or 24000 (~ 7750: ???? 7770: 8000 (200 kh/s, aggression 19) 7850: ???? 7870: 15360 (400 kh/s, aggression 19) 7950: 21712 or 24000 (~575 kh/s) 7970 (cgminer): 22392 (~700 kh/s can be obtained with a core/memory ratio of 0.57) or 8192 (-g 2 -w 256 -I 13) 7970 (reaper): 20992, 21712, or 24000 (~650 kh/s can be obtained with reaper and core/memory ratio of 0.57, e.g. 900 MHz core and 1580 MHz memory. Over 725 KH/s can be achieved with memory overvolting.) Typical 7xxx series performance: 0.321 kh/s/shader If reaper crashes periodically on a single card, use the following python script to keep it alive (starts reaper, runs for two hours, shuts it down, then restarts it): Code: import os, subprocess, time while True: print("Starting reaper...") p = subprocess.Popen("C:\\Users\\my-pc\\Desktop\\reaper\\reaper.exe") time.sleep(7200) print("Terminating reaper...") p.terminate() time.sleep(10) This seems to fix the problem for my 3x 7950 rig. Update: 3-20-13 cgminer versions 2.11.3 and up can be used to mine with high thread concurrencies now. Follow these instructions: WINDOWS: Open console and type Code: setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 Now, close the console (it will not work if you open cgminer in the same window). Open cgminer using a .bat or a new console, high thread concurrencies will now work. LINUX: Open terminal and type Code: export GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT=100 Now high thread concurrencies should work in cgminer. TABLE OF USER REPORTED HASH RATES AND SETTINGS CARD MEMORY SPEED SETTINGS Usually it is most effective to have the memory speed of the card equal to or greater than the core clock speed. For some cards this is more important than others, but this is generally true. From experimental data for a 7770, a (core speed)/(memory speed) ratio of 0.7 or less is recommended. HETEROGENEOUS MIXTURES OF CARDS CGMINER: Use a comma to separate thread-concurrency values, eg. --thread-concurrency 3200,8000. Values correspond to the card number in zeroeth order. REAPER: Run multiple instances of reaper. To do this, clone the folder and then add "device x" to reaper.conf, where x is the number for the card in zeroeth order. RAM REQUIREMENTS ON-MOTHERBOARD The equivalent amount of system RAM as for the sum of all the vRAM used by the GPUs is required when mining with reaper. For instance, 3x 5970s mining with thread_concurrency values of 8000 each would require 3x 500MB = 1500MB system ram (plus additional RAM for the OS). The memory requirements for 7xxx cards are also higher because of larger thread_concurrency values, for instance a thread_concurrency of 24000 means 1.5GB system RAM per card is required. THREADS PER GPU Some people state that increased hash rates are experienced upon increasing the number of threads per GPU in 5xxx series cards (-g # in cgminer or threads_per_gpu # in reaper). That has not been my experience with 6xxx or 7xxx cards, but you can try it and see if it helps out your hash rate. STRATUM MINING Supported by some pools (,, in order to reduce the number of stales. Typical results moving from JSON getwork to stratum is a reduction in stales from 1.5% to 0.5%. If you use reaper, you need to use a fork which is available here and a stratum proxy Run proxy program with this command for reaper: Code: mining_proxy.exe -pa scrypt --host --port #### Then run reaper with the following host: Code: and your normal user/password for the pool. SOLO MINING For large hash rates. Go here: The guide works the same for unix as well more or less.
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GPU Mining with GUIMiner in Windows What You’ll Need GPU (for this particular tutorial) - “The workhorse. Think of it as the miner with a pickaxe or the heavy drilling machinery.†Radeon GPUs are recommended over Nvidia, they are much more efficient at mining. You can still mine with an Nvidia card, but your hashrate (essentially how fast your card can process the algorithm) will be lower. Check out this link to compare the expected hashrate for scrypt mining on various hardware: Note: The link says ‘Litecoin’ hardware, but it applies for MinCoin as well as they are both based on the same scrypt algorithm. For AMD cards: Ensure you have updated to latest drivers for your card: You will also need to download the AMD SDK to run GUIMiner, can be found here: For Nvidia cards: Ensure you have updated to the latest drivers for your card: You will also need to download and install the Nvidia CUDA toolkit to run GUIMiner, can be found here: Computer with Windows (for this particular tutorial) MinCoin Client Download the client from For Windows, you’ll want to click on one of the top two links. Once finished downloading, install and run. The first time you fire up the client it will need to connect to the network, and download the blockchain. While it’s downloading, a green bar on the bottom will show its progress. Once finished, a green check mark will appear in the bottom right of the window. Mining software – “The Mining Foreman: Instructs the miners on where and how to mine†For the sake of simplicity, we will download the latest ‘GUIMiner – scrypt‘ client. Here’s a link to the forum post at; Click on one of the highlighted download links. Extract the .zip file wherever you wish.
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