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We are Currently Working on some Updates For MinCoin. We would like to get the community involved to see what features people would like added as we move forward with the MinCoin Project.


Please Reply to this topic with things you would like to see included in this next update. We can't promise that everything everyone wants will be included but we can always push things into another update!





Thanks for your continued support!






MinCoin, The One Minute Coin. The Commodity That Spends Like A Currency.

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  • 2 months later...

Any changes that help to secure the coin/network I would imagine would be worthwhile. I'm interested in seeing a detailed

list of what you guys are changing. From what I've researched there aren't many Mincoins in existence and not many to be

made so I would think making sure the network is secure would be a top priority.

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  • 6 months later...

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