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Why was Mincoin brought up in The Merkle as a Scam?

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13 minutes ago, lovetolearn said:


Mincoin doesn't have people who are open to sharing their educational backgrounds and their track records. Playing devils advocate, how do I know that Mincoin won't run off with any monies I invest or cancel the value of MNC I mine?

Thanks for any help!

You do realize that is a paid 'press release' right? Also, you do realize they akin MNC to a ICO which it is Not. Did you actually read this article?? Do you see they are promoting their own project which is actually an ICO itself, but they claim ICO's are bad?

LOL, maybe go back and actually read the article.


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I'm not 100% sure if you follow when I say that is a "paid press release". So, I will give you an example. I could very easily write an article about MinCoin, touting it as the 'Greatest' cryptocurrency in existence. And then I could go on to say that Bitcoin and Litecoin are both inferior scam coins. Guess what, since I am 'paying' for that article to be released it would/will be released.

You get what I'm saying here? ;)



That being said, it's pretty cool when another cryptocurrency or, [in this particular case] a cryptocurrency 'wannabe' feels threatened enough by MinCoin that they actually include us in a press release they had to pay $$ for :P

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10 minutes ago, SuperTramp said:

You do realize that is a paid 'press release' right? Also, you do realize they akin MNC to a ICO which it is Not. Did you actually read this article?? Do you see they are promoting their own project which is actually an ICO itself, but they claim ICO's are bad?

LOL, maybe go back and actually read the article.


I didn't read the article. I just scanned Google to see what immediately would pop up to potential MNC investors :) Thanks for the clarification.

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