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Everything posted by johnhanks

  1. This would be great! If Worldcoin can make Silver coin so can Mincoin. Would these be like precious metal wallets? I say we get a hobbyist to make a bunch and sell them for MNC only!
  2. buy time still now at .4 https://mcxnow.com/buymcx.html
  3. I'm mining unobtanium for no particular reason.
  4. Straight from the horses mouth. RS wants 5 BTC a pop. 45k mcxFEE * 5 BTC / mcxFEE = RS a rich rich man RS also plans to install more modes of gaining fees to distribute to us fee holders. Buy in now imo. I know it's crazy, but $1k now dribbling BTC in the future could mean sweet perma dividends. Just sayin'! edit: thought I attatched my screenshot
  5. If you have me circled on the Google+ you will see my recent post about crypto commodities in the SERP I actually kind of like personals in the results.
  6. What do you mean, like a wallet with qr code support? I can't help develop but I second your want.
  7. I would say if it is under 1, mine away. But as a definition, can the difficulty actually be under one? I thought I understood difficulty and now I realize I do not. https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Difficulty But anywhoo, mine whatever you want whenever you want!
  8. Mincoin, minimalist coin: Let's trade as few mincoin as possible when we trade things, which means we could see prices higher than what we are seeing now for fiat/BTC. I love logic!
  9. I wouldn't mind selling some old vinyl (rock) records for mincoin. I don't know if this is this thread appropriate but, Does their exist a mincoin bitmit alternative?
  10. This is good news. I love getting those awesome SERPs. Mincoin is my favorite crypto commodity. I do enjoy a few others though. I hope to see more trade between other crypto commodities much like how bitcoin and litecoin (not as big, but growing) trades for other flavors.
  11. I am running an awful nvidia something something. I can be more specific later. I can't seem to get it running for quite a few scrypt coins using Multiminer with cgminer OR bfgminer as a backend. Suggestions? (I need to fix my internet connection for my amd gpu 6 core cpu. I'd love to leave both to mining if possible again soon.)
  12. I enjoy the functionality the site offers, such as the post liking, easy reply, and after signing up I noticed your forum already grabbed my picture from the nets for me. This looks like it will be a fun lil' community. Can't wait to get to know you guys.
  13. I like: Crypto-Barter, Crypto-Trade, or we can just go the plain route of Barter, Trade.
  14. You've never been paid by a faucet? Or by an MNC faucet? I think the faucets that use inputs.io addresses seem to pay out decently. I think it's hilarious that you can faucet faster than you could mine (BTC)(unless you could afford it). One has to question: Will these people who set up faucets actually make money in advertising revenue before their funds dry up? Most people setting up these faucets are amateurs and can't/haven't calculated their cost per acquisition or their lifetime customer value (faucet drip size / % of people that click ad/buy something/convert vs. how much is spent on average when sending traffic through ads with a business model where you give away free coin). I'd like to see an effective faucet that actually makes ad revenue and can sustain itself.
  15. Dang! I wish I had configured my miner for MNC earlier! I couldn't figure it out and started mining SXC instead. MNC seems like it'd be a good Buy&Hold or Mine&Hold coins (at least after this first spike). I plan on buying in after this spike settles down a little.
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