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Everything posted by sdf

  1. thanks CC let's get it rolling! if holla4dolla is at 20 with less than 6k coins, then it really doesn't take much for us to all whale this coin. I'm working on some good projects right now so I'll keep you all posted of course.
  2. I made a similar thread to this yesterday, here's what I've found: vipah on mcxnow runs vircurpool and the mnc blockchain explorer. If you follow that back to the first 2000 blocks or so, you'll see that the code was generating (according to the block chain explorer, which vipah has said could be broken at the moment) 1 block a second for 500 MNC, and paying it out to an "UNKNOWN" address. Supertramp is also right in saying that it was dumped hard, have a look at the all time chart: http://www.cryptocoincharts.info/v2/pair/mnc/btc/mcxnow/alltime so, if SandyCohen wrote the code so that he could get a big payout quickly, then it is whatever. It's clear he has already left. If there is a bug in the block chain (i've tried calling some api in the debug window and it returns errors as well, which is weird/broken), then maybe we can solve it and show that 10-20 people legitimately mined it and took their payouts. Either way, the specs of the coin are what keep us all here- and maybe the feeling of community at mcxnow!
  3. yessir, i'm at no. 24 on the rich list now
  4. I'm running a one man MNC pump concurrently with WDC's wish me luck hombres, I'm 5.2k MNC deep
  5. I might do it abroad anyway as it makes no difference to you as long as it is fast!
  6. Someone mind linking me on block explorer? Then we can have a discussion about what whales are left in this coin. http://blockexplorer.vircurpool.com/block/795c98b4e466b4dfeee181db1468561e6a05bc52e1d4ca30a4dad0eb709bbc5d
  7. What happens in 10 years when the coins are distributed? Whales mine to keep the network going?
  8. If MNC goes off scrypt, the only way it will survive is if someone writes a GPU miner for it that is completely and utterly flawless. In my opinion, I think that would be a horrible decision.
  9. What do you mean? He wants to convert MNC to MC?
  10. Omg no don't change the algo, scrypt is beautiful and I promise I won't 51% the coin. Trust me if you want to talk to me about it then email me, FPGAs are the future of mining scrypt and it is not incredibly difficult to get it done
  11. Thanks friend! I can offer MNC with SuperTramp.
  12. I really would like to know how many MNC are out there in the world right now, because to me it seems like we would only need to dump about 50 BTC into this market to take it to 002. If we really wanted to corner this coin, all we would need is that 50 BTC and a plurality of the network hashrate to make this coin the scarcest/fastest coin out there
  13. Considering 1 7950 can mine for roughly 0.005 BTC a day on middlecoin.com, and I mine roughly 4 MNC a day per card, it is actually rather fair to say that MNC should stay in the 0.0013 range until the dumpers get it over with and we start making services for this coin
  14. It's a shame because amazing exchanges like mcxnow eliminate the need for escrow/going first...
  15. I will try to track down a dev for you guys if you can offer a bounty/usd
  16. wait until my scrypt FPGA goes live
  17. Would you like the VPS to keep no logs and to be hosted in a country with little legal framework with the USA? (aka dont end up like DPR?)
  18. Hi Supertramp! Yes that all sounds great, especially because most involve little overhead and quick expansion opportunities. The ones with more of a physical dependency (servers and hosting) would probably require us to track down someone who is doing it already with BTC. The rest require $$ (visa) and/or a few dedicated developers (ebay). What is your opinion on the Visa cards specifically? In the US I think the tax situation for that business would be slightly confusing. I would buy the cards and pay sales tax on them, ship them to my "friends" as gifts who I happened to meet online through my site, and I just so happened to be paid in bits of data. Do you think I would be required to pay "income tax" on the declared value of the coins if I end up exchanging them for BTC/USD? -J
  19. This coin will only go somewhere if we make services for it! It would be a shame for such a good coin to not have the proper projects supporting it.
  20. Hi everybody, I'm hoping to put together a group of people who want to launch start ups for the MNC economy. It is apparent to me that thanks to mcxNOW's success and the merits of the coin, MNC will be easy to business in and support. So what services do you want to see? I just got a swanky new job, so I would like to put my money towards good use in hiring capable devs and market-makers to get this show rolling. Here's what I think is a good starting point for MNC: -Physical products (pizza delivery, grocery store drop shipping, etc) -Information products (steam games, tutoring service) -Financials (insurance, lending) -Technology (FPGA development) -Creative (game dev studio) Feel free to add, thanks!
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