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Everything posted by jellyfish420

  1. just curious. what coin are you mining and you khash rate? i mine ifc at 650-700khash/s.
  2. thats what i'm doing. looking at the btc chats. SUPER low in the begining...look at it now. a few of the alts have to take off. which one? who knows. i got a few of all so i'm covered
  3. i just read this the other day in someones blog...was that yours? i get caught in the pump and dump everytime! i'm done trying for now....i'm just hoarding everything now
  4. i've got a mincoin...can i be a whale
  5. i still don't get how the "walls" work for moving prices on the site.
  6. how many mnc you guys get solo? i'm at 650-700khash/s. i mined on a pool for 1 day week or 2 ago and only got like 2 coins for the whole day.
  7. i got in a little late for btc. but in a whole its still pretty new.
  8. agreed. highly recommend NO paypal. sold a few BTC w/ paypal...bout a week later, chargeback. everyone of them. paypal even acknowleged the blockchain as proof, but said that its agaist TOS to sell/buy cryptocurrency w/ paypal...
  9. being a small time miner, solo mining ANY coin is pointless for me...
  10. someone buy me some...5k+ i have 0. share the wealth
  11. wish i would of bought last week... i went all in on xpm...
  12. this looks like a pretty good coin...but when i read about all the other coins they all make good points. how do you tell whats real and not?
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